Project 1: Calculus II: Project 1
For this project, our professor instructed me and my group to do 2 very complicated problems.
For the first problem, we had to figure out the formula for 2 parabolic suspension poles on a bridge. It was very tedious work and took us a while, but we got it eventually. After the formulas were found, we then had to figure out the arc length, surface area and the recommended density range for the poles. This was some real engineer work, I felt as if I was an architect. After that we calculated volume. We also calculated the optimal amount of energy that the bridge could produce using solar panels. The second part of the project was not as tedious. We were told to calculate geometric probability.
Read more: Building a Small Cable Suspension Bridge
Project 2: Circle Game
This project focused on using UML to make a game. I did this project in ITEC 2140 and it was honestly not bad at all. It really introduced me to object oriented thinking, which is greatly expanded on in ITEC 2150, the course I am taking now. We used a program called proccessing to make the game, and we followed a tutorial created by another ggc student.
Read more: Creating the classic pong game with java.
Project 3: Data Analysis Project
The goal of this project was to statistically analyze any topic of our choice. I chose to research the housing market, as I was interesteed in the statistics of that. The housing market has been in a crisis for some time now and I wanted to see just how bad it had actually gotten.
Read more: The Housing Market Is a Bubble Full of Fraud, and It’s Going To Pop